What to Do After a Car Accident
It’s not a thought most people like to think about, but if you own a car, it’s one you most likely will have to think about. Most people have been in an at least one car accident in their lives, and the more prepared you are for the situation, the likelihood everything will work out is that much better. Being safe on the road is of course the first way to avoid being an accident, but what happens if you are in an accident?
Check for Injuries
The first thing you should do when involved in a car accident no matter how big or small, is to check yourself for injuries. You may be in a bit of shock, but it’s important to make sure you if you have sustained any injuries that you call 911 and try not to move if seriously injured. If you’re able to check if any other parties of the accident were injured, you should do that next. Call for help as soon as you can, and then get to safety on a nearby sidewalk, out of the way of the site of the accident.
Call For Help
The next thing you’ll need to do is contact the police so they can file a police report. In some instances, the police may not be able to come to the scene right away, so if you’re unable to wait, you can file a report at the police station, but having an officer come out to document the scene, should be the first option.
Exchange Information
It is very important that you exchange contact and insurance information with the parties involved in the accident after making sure no one is seriously injured. The most important information you should exchange after an accident are:
- Full name and contact information
- Insurance company and policy number
- Drivers license and license plate number
- Type, color, and model of vehicle
- Location of accident
It’s also a good idea to keep the exchange just information and not discuss who’s at fault for the accident. Once you contact your insurance company, the adjuster will be the one who determines who is at fault for the accident based on documentation they receive. A good way to make sure that you keep yourself protected is to the document the accident yourself as well.
Be sure to get the contact information from the officers when they arrive at the scene as this will make it easier to get a copy of the police report if needed. Make sure you take photos of your vehicle from varying angles and capture damage done to all cars involved. If there are any passengers, be sure to get their information as well along with the contact information of any witnesses. It might be a little overwhelming to remember to get all this information right after an accident, so you might want to keep an accident information page in your vehicle just in case.
Once you’ve gathered all the necessary information, you will want to contact your insurance company. It’s always a good idea to reach out to your insurance company as soon as possible so if you’re able to reach them while at the scene of the accident, you should do that as they may need particular information from you to complete the claim.
Reach Out Today!
We know that car accidents are no fun to deal with but with a trusted team on your side, we can help you through the process and get you back on the road with ease. Don’t be afraid to reach out to the team at Willoughby Insurance today!