If you own a car, you probably already know why auto insurance important. It can help with repairs, car rentals, and many other things if you happen to be in a car accident. But what you may not know is that car insurance with Willoughby Insurance can help you in many other ways.

No one wants to be in a car accident, but depending on when you started driving, it is more than likely that you be involved in at least one, most likely more than one, in your lifetime. Now although these car accidents may not be major, they will more than likely be troublesome. 

What Is Collision Insurance? 

Collision insurance can be used to cover damages to your vehicle no matter who is determined to be at fault if you are in an accident. With this type of insurance, you can also be covered from damages caused by property hitting your vehicle. Another reason collision insurance is valuable is that if your vehicle is considered totaled after an accident, meaning the damages would cost more than the car is worth, you would be able to replace your vehicle altogether.

Collision insurance does not cover damage to your vehicle not related to driving, damage to another person’s vehicle, or medical bills. Collision insurance has a deductible which is what comes out of pocket before the rest is covered by the insurance company. There is a limit to what is covered and that is typically the cash value of the vehicle. A higher deductible means that you will be responsible for more of the repairs, but this may mean your monthly premium is lower.

Is It Right For Me?

Collision coverage is typically required by  your lien holder if you are leasing a vehicle or still owe money on the vehicle. You want to make sure your coverage is able to cover the cost of the car if it were to be totaled. If you are doubtful about the type of coverage you want, be sure to reach out to Willoughby Insurance. Comprehensive coverage is another type of insurance that can help cover non-accident related damages to your vehicle.

Our goal is to take an already stressful and worrisome situation and put you in the hands of knowledgeable professionals to assure you that whatever the case may be, we have got you covered. 

Get Started Today

Car insurance is not only important, but it’s required if you are driving a motor vehicle. You’ll want to make sure you are covered whether it be comprehensive or collision, so please reach out to Willoughby Insurance in Buffalo, NY so we can assist you today!