Mercury Auto Insurance
Shopping for car insurance can be overwhelming and cause a lot of headaches but working with one of our knowledgeable agents to get the best coverage for your personal situation can ease that tension and leave you feeling safe when driving on the road. If you happen to find yourself in a car accident, our team will take you through the steps of filing a claim and making sure we have all the necessary information to get the situation resolved as quickly as possible.
What Mercury Offers
Whether you are seeking liability, collision or comprehensive, we have a plan that can work for you. Mercury provides varying rates of coverage as well as add-ons coverage for roadside assistance and ride hailing. Many people that work with companies like Lyft or Uber are unaware that need additional coverage to make sure their car is protected in the case of an accident. And oftentimes even though they are aware they should have ride-share insurance, they avoid it because it can be too costly. Mercury is a great solution for those in that situation because it offers affordable insurance for those drivers as well.
The one thing that most customers focus on when it comes to shopping for insurance is the cost. Providing affordable coverage you can trust is the goal of Mercury Insurance. What makes Mercury Insurance different from other insurance companies when it comes to keeping costs low is the Special Investigations Unit (SIU). The SIU is the fraud investigations team which protects the company against fraudulent claims which saves customers from expensive premiums and keeping the rates low.
If you happen to find yourself in need of car repairs, we know it can be a headache. We take that stress away from you by making it easy to get your car fixed as quickly as possible by arranging your repairs at one of our approved auto shops. We do the research for you when it comes to finding a repair shop, so you know that whoever is fixing your car, is someone you can trust.
Benefits That Work for You
Another benefit of working with Mercury Insurance for your auto policy is we can save you even more money by bundling policies for your other insurance needs. We have an extensive network to provide you coverage, give you advice and answer any questions you may have.
Mercury Insurance is known for providing top notch service to its customers but the benefits don’t stop there. Mercury Auto Insurance also provides some fantastic discounts for good students, multiple cars, good driver, and even auto pay.
Contact Us Today!
There are plenty of reasons to reach out to work with us to discuss your auto insurance policy. Whether you own a car, truck of SUV, we have a policy that can save you money, keep you safe without letting service suffer. Feel free to reach out today so we can discuss the best way to save you some money by reaching out to Willoughby Insurance in Buffalo, NY.